⚠️ Many international items are region-locked and will not function with Australian (PAL) consoles or games. Furthermore, most Japanese games will not play in English. 

 Region Locked Region Free
  • NES
  • Super Nintendo
  • Nintendo 64
  • GameCube
  • Wii
  • Wii U
  • DSi Enhanced / Exclusive Cartridges
  • 3DS
  • Game Boy
  • Game Boy Color
  • Game Boy Advance
  • Nintendo DS
  • Virtual Boy
  • Nintendo Switch
  • PlayStation
  • PlayStation 2
  • PlayStation Portable
  • PlayStation Vita
  • PlayStation 3
  • PlayStation 4
  • PlayStation 5
  • Xbox*
  • Xbox 360*
  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X/S
  • Master System*
  • Mega Drive*
  • Sega Saturn
  • Dreamcast
  • Game Gear

    * A limited number of games are not region-locked.